Hawaii Census Records

Search Free Hawaii Census Records Online in an easy to use census directory. Our census directory includes, comprehensive census information, census records, census transcriptions, census images and census indexes.

Hawaii Census Information

Hawaiian Federal Census Records include: 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1940.

Soundex code indexes for the Hawaii Federal census records are available on microfilm for census years: 1900, 1920.

Hawaii State Census Records include: 1866, 1878, 1890, 1896, and no one census is wholly complete. However, partial schedules giving names are available only for 1878 (Oahu, Maui and Hawaii), 1890 (all islands except Niihau) and 1896 (Honolulu). Only a limited number of census returns have survived from the nineteenth century. Then with territorial status, jurisdiction shifted to the United States government and the Islands became part of the U.S. census from 1900 and on.

Statewide Free Hawaii Census Records Online

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My Free Census is a census directory to help you find free Hawaii census records online. We cannot be held responsible for the content of the many sites we link to. Genealogy data and information found online, should verified against original sources.

My Free Census wishes you the greatest success in discovering your genealogy, family history and ancestry.